AI appears to be the answer to the theatrical films I want to make about events in history. Fact is often more fascinating than fiction. Expensive set design, remote locations and logistical battle scenes alone will be efficiently rendered with AI technology. I don’t care for the idea of using all AI-generated actors unless its an animation look I want as a result. I don’t have Cecile B. deMille’s budget nor any love for working within the Hollywood system. I just had to wait 30 years after graduating college for this to happen.

I’ve been gradually setting up a digital micro-studio environment so I can work at my leisure. I’m traditional and I don’t believe in work overshadowing and displacing my personal relationships, so this new filmmaking technology is a good fit.

Okay Fate, I’m intrigued. Bring it.

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When I go to nightclubs, I notice that when the lighting tech turns on the strobing, all the uncoordinated, inebriated dudes on the dance floor magically look like they can actually bust some moves.

I’m currently calculating the “frame rate loss” from the strobe effect that it takes to make a drunk appear like they can dance like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. It’s like a glitch in the Matrix. What happens when someone breaks out in Dub Step when the strobe effect comes on, does it look like they’re standing still? This is the kind of obscure math problem that keeps me awake at nightclubs. Discovering the exact frame rate of the optical illusion in dancing like Fred Astaire might solve the world’s “daddy can’t dance” dilemma.

Until then, its all fun and meat-market games until someone has an epileptic seizure.

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I have learned that its important to evaluate a person by their words and actions first. All other outsiders’ viewpoints need to come with receipts or it didn’t happen.

I’m really put off by sensationalist, tabloid-esque commentary and yellow journalism nonsense. We all should be. Someone trying to stir up publicly targeted hatred of another by all manner of misrepresentations and outright lies qualifies as evil and insane in my book. Repeating false rumors like a parrot is not necessarily intentional lying, but it is bearing false witness, without verification of the facts. There is an odd telltale sign that clues you in that you’re dealing with a false witness liar, this sign has been consistant over many generations now. In this era, the “sign” is the predictable lament, “You should be in jail”, without the accuser providing any substantiated evidence otherwise. The “wokest” people, who seem to be not impressed with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are often the most hellbent offenders who spew such erroneous absurdity. The 1st Amendment protects free speech, but there are legal limiters when it comes to defamation/slander/libel and the cliché of yelling “fire” in a crowded venue.

Now I’m not “churchy”, but “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” is the 9th of the Ten Commandments and there’s an important reason why. Experiences with false witness for most people starts out as them being bullies or being bullied as a child. Historically, false witness against whole groups has been the origins of many atrocities such as pogroms and genocides and has sparked the outbreak of full-scale wars. The dangers in bearing false witness against an individual are two-fold:

1. The intent is to purposely distort the truth to defame and humiliate a person of their good reputation or feelings of self-worth. This can result in the draconian “cancel culture” being applied against that person, the modern version of tribal shunning-on-steroids. The attempt here is to have that person and perhaps their family, shunned from the entire human race, lose their business or job, unable to be employed and provide for themselves and/or retain social relationships. Its intended for that person to not be able to normally function and exist, and in extreme cases this can lead that person to suicide or some form of degraded health that leads to death. This is often what the haters bearing false witness want as a result. With the internet, its difficult to undo damage caused by even a single incident of false witness.

2. The intent is to set the angry mob against a person, possibly resulting in psychological and/or physical harm or death of the person and/or their loved ones by the hand of others.

In several instances where someone has committed false witness against me, it ended in their own self-destruction, with me not having to do a single thing in my defense. There’s something to be taken seriously about having a forked tongue, since lies seem to eventually travel full circle back and bite the snake who told them.

Aspire. To. Truth-Telling.
You’ll feel better.

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Between transwomen, sex robots, and anime/AI porn addictions, the real life skin-to-skin, meaningful tactile sensual encounters you have enjoyed monogamously with men so much are fast becoming just memories. Now, there are all these artificial, perfect-looking interlopers to confuse libidos, get in-between his attention span like you’re not “enough” or you’ve been replaced, to make you oddly jealous in ways you never imagined. Men with low temptation thresholds actually think this isn’t cheating on you. Men who reject these things are keepers, but will be hard to find.

I would have married a lonely Welsh sheep farmer when I was in Wales, but I don’t care to compete with farm animals either and I’m allergic to wool.

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For most people, being alone and lonely is quite painful.

To a loner and an only child like myself, not so much. There is some self-care benefit to learning to like yourself being alone, being content to ride out a solitary existance, to accept life’s circumstances, for at least the time being. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have grown up to marry their high school sweetheart and live happily ever after. I would have preferred that to all the social rituals one has to maneuver around. My daughter did marry her high school sweetheart, in spite of me, her mother, divorced, having short-term relationships since that have been few and far between, often underwhelming, non-reciprocative and disappointing. I am by nature a chaste person, I don’t fall in love easily, its rare but when I do, I love hard, with everything I have in self-sacrifice. Divorce wears heavy on my heart, I hate the thought of being a quitter.

As a military wife at age 20, my then husband was deployed for up to 6 months at a time without us living under the same roof. During his tour of dutys, I alone was raising 2 stepsons as well as an infant daughter we had together. I saw many military wives in my neighborhood struggle emotionally with their partners’ extended absences. Being alone for months at a time was not the reason why my marriage didn’t last. I always had something to occupy my mind and free time, whether it be creative arts or volunteer work. As my own mother referred to me when I was growing up, I’m an “easy keeper”. I became a better mother and prolific at the responsibilities required to run a household by myself. But the weirdest part is I have never experienced feelings of loneliness in my life, ever. At least as how others describe it to me. Old soul, perhaps.

It sure would have helped me as a child to know there were other children “like” me, who shut off the world around themselves and lived alone within a construct of their own design, when not required to answer to the outside for something. I’ve lived my whole life up to my late 40s, not really understanding what made me tick so off rhythm from everyone else I knew around me. I thought I was alone in this journey. I had Asperger’s all this time and didn’t know it, most likely caused from being born in a trauma-induced, premature breech birth. I’ve long since overcome next-level shyness so that I could become more socially adept and not impoverished. I’m still unusually quiet and reclusive for a woman, and most people don’t “get” me, so my social circle is tighter than a gnat’s arse.

And I prefer it that way.

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1974 ~ Hawaii

9 years old on Waikiki,
just before hearing the theme from Jaws…
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What happened to the protocol of saying “over” when speaking on 2-way radios? No one uses it anymore and there’s no beepy tone like NASA uses to indicate the other person’s mic is not live. I have sometimes difficulty knowing when someone is done speaking, especially over a non-video call. Maybe we should start saying “over” in phone calls instead of talking over each other or long awkward pauses, wondering who should speak next.

Sure would help make communication smoother again. Over.

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I’m gonna re-do this graphic after I calculate the addendum formula for container plantings, but until then, I hope this helps anyone who needs it.

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