Finding out I may possibly have a direct descent from Mohammed.

Genealogy is weirding me out, man.

Starting with my 8th Great-Grandfather:

1-François Joseph Savoie and Catherine Lejeune (theory: François Savoie allegedly was a Prince-in-Exile from the House of Savoy, Turin-Italy. No official familial documents have been found to prove François Savoie’s commoner or royal ancestry. This theory is based from his deathbed confession.

2-THEORY: Prince Thomaso Francesco di Savoie of Carignano, allegedly thought to be François Savoie’s father, but so far DNA testing has not confirmed this claim. François Savoie allegedly may be instead Prince of Piedmont Francis Hyacinth Savoie, the eldest son of Thomaso’s brother, head of the House of Savoie kingdom, Duke Victor Amadeus I di Savoie who married Christine Marie de France from the House of Bourbon. Direct descendants from François Joseph Savoie show DNA cross-matching with the House of Bourbon, whose Princesses married these two House of Savoie brothers.

3-Charles Emmanuel I, “the Great” Duke of Savoy, father of Duke Victor Amadeus di Savoie I and Thomaso Francesco di Savoie.

4-Maguerite of France and Duke Emmanuel Philibert Of Savoy

5-Claude of France and Francis 1 of France

6-Anne of Brittany and Louis XII of France

7-Marguerite of Navarre and Duke Francois II Of Brittany

8-Lenor 1 of Navarre and Duke Gaston IV Of Foix-Bigorre

9-Blanche 1 of Navarre and John II Of Aragon

10-Eleanor Of Alburquerque and Ferdinand I Of Aragon

11-Eleanor of Aragon and John 1 of Castille

12-Juana Manuel Of Castile and Henri II of Castille

13-Eleanor Of Guzman and Alfonso XI Of Castile-Leon

14-Constanza of Portugal and Fernando IV Of Castile-Leon

15-Isabella Of Aragon and King Denis Of Portugal

16-Maria, d. 1262, m. Alfonso IX of Castilla

17-Maria, m. Guillen Perez de Guzman

18-Sancha, m. Gonzalo Ruiz II Giron

19-Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara, b. 1128, m. Garcia de Azagra

20-Sancha, m. 1122 to Rodrigo Gonsalez de Lara (el Franco)

21-Zayda, m. Alfonso VI of Castilla,

22-Mohammad II al-Mutamid, 1040-1095, emir of Sevilla

23-Abbad al-Mutadid, ca. 1010-1069, “Emir of All Spain”

24-Mohammad I abu-l-Khasim, ca. 980-1042, hachib of Sevilla

25-Isma’il ibn Qaris, 952, khadi in Sevilla

26-Kharis ibn Abbad, khadi in Sevilla

27-Isma’il al-Mansur, ca. 901-952, 3. kalif in Egypt

28-Mohammad al-Khaim, ca. 873-946, 2. kalif

29-Obeidallah al-Mahdi, ca. 846-934, 1. Fatimid kalif, Egypt

30-Ahmed ibn Isma’il

31-Mohammad ibn Isma’il

32-Isma’il ibn Gafar

33-Djafar al-Sadikh, ca. 708-765, 6. imam in Iraq

34-Mohammad al-Bakhir, ca. 681-733, 5. imam in Iraq

35-Ali Zain al-Abidin, ca. 653-713, 4. imam in Iraq

36-Al-Husein, ca. 626-680, 3. imam of the Shi’ites, Iraq

37-Ali ibn abu-Talib, 4. kalif (in Iraq) 656-661 and Fatima

38-Muhammad ibn Abdulah (Prophet of Islam) and Kadhija

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I swear when I watched the film “Argo”, this 1981 RPG popped back into my head after being filed deep in the dusty nethers of my memories.

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Michel Ney, Marshal of the Empire.
Portrait by François Gérard, 1805

On occasion, I find items potentially related to my ancestry at auction. It was a rarity to acquire a letter reporting to a fallen soldier’s family of his death, signed by Napoleon Bonaparte’s future Marshal of the Empire, Cavalrymaster Michel Ney, complete with the remains of the wax seal.

Its remarkable to realize that in the matter-of-fact coldness of the content, this is a form letter from 229 years ago, produced by a hand-operated letterpress, then the blanks filled in and signed with the new technology of the time, the metal nib pen, which replaced the quill pen in 1792.

Original document ~ Property of Lea Savoy
Letter signed by Divisional General Michel Ney, Landau-France in 1794, reporting the death of a soldier to the Records division of the deceased’s hometown of St. Laurent.
Reverse of letter by Michel Ney, note the wax seal marks.

The following is the best I can translate the French cursive that is legible to me. If anyone can correct syntax errors or omissions in my translation, especially words I have placed in parenthesis with a question mark, please contact me.

“Landau on the 23rd of the Year 3 (1794) of the one and indivisible French Republic

The Public Registrar of the Municipality of Landau, Department of Bas-Rhin; to the Citizen Public Registrar of the Community of St. Laurent

You are alerted, Citizen Colleague, that the name Jean Cretin, rifled to the 2nd Battalion (Trerailluro?) 3rd Company, a native of your community, died at the military hospital in this place (Vrngt Lyst Vintos?).

I am giving you this notice, so that you can share it with the family of the deceased, and mention it in your records.

Salutations and Fraternally,
Michel Ney”

(Written in 1794, while Michel Ney was a Divisional General in service of the Army of the Rhine, prior to his appointment to Marshal of France by Napoleon Bonaparte.)

Michel Ney, Marshal of France, at Waterloo.

Michel Ney’s life in the service of France under Napoleon was heroic, controversial and bizarre all at the same time, with a mysterious unsubstantiated twist at the end that through strong Masonic influence, he may have faked his death by firing squad and escaped to America. Intriguing theory to say the least: https://www.wbtv.com/2022/07/05/french-researchers-exhuming-remains-rowan-county-school-teacher-who-died-1846-determine-if-he-was-french-military-leader-napoleons-army/

Wikipedia has a fairly exhaustive article on Michel Ney’s life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Ney.

History classes in K-12 school bored me, there was never enough meat-on-the-bone for a thorough examination of the events we were assigned to study. That’s when I turned to other books to delve deeper into more independent academic analysis of great battles and events in history. Since then, an even more interesting venture to discover history again for the first time, is through my own parents’ bloodlines. My late mother, the staunch family genealogist, who constantly revised her charts as new documented evidence displaced the errors of nostalgic oral tradition, had told me shortly before she passed away that she had found a citation that directly connected my ancestry to Napoleon’s cavalrymaster Michel Ney.


I purchased this Michel Ney letter on the chance that this is true. If not, it’s still a rare piece of French pre-Napoleonic history to be able to hold in “gloved” hands and read. I am still searching through my mother’s vast genealogical notes for the reference in the event she wrote it down. I descend from the Byrds of Broxton, England/Westover Virginia USA and The Savoie/LeJeune lines fr0m Italy/France/Acadia. The closest Michel Ney bloodline connection to me I have found is potentially from the LeJeune line in France from his relative Louise Cécile Marie LeJeune. I have a French-Acadian Great-Grandmother, Catherine LeJeune, the “matriarch of Savoy Cajuns”, who immigrated from France to Port Royal, Acadia/Nova Scotia in the 1700s, but little to nothing is known about her ancestors and there is a dead end going backwards in time from her. If anyone reading this has a tip for me with regards to the direct connection of Michel Ney’s ancestry to any of the aforementioned families, please use the Contact Me form here on the main menu.


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Just found these “cousin” calculators. I can really use these charts to determine just how close a cousin I am to Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, polar explorer and aviator. We both descend from Thomas Rolfe, the only child of John Rolfe and his Powhatan wife Rebecca aka Amonute Matoaka, popularly known as “Pocahontas”. And one of my favorite actors, Edward Norton, does as well and may be a close cousin of mine, cool. Looks like I’ve got some chart calculating to do.

NOTE ABOUT “POCAHONTAS“: If you descend from a Founding Family of early America before nationhood as I do, there’s a likelihood you descend from “Pocahontas”. Its kind of like the Charlemagne descent enigma. The descent from an Indian Princess has become a cliché in geneaology because America is a very young country and had a super low population and much unexplored territory in the 1600s. There was a shortage of English women here and mailorder brides were a thing. Many of the Englishmen coming to the New World intermarried with Native American women due to their English wives unable to survive the long, difficult journey by ship, or by marrying native women for marital alliances to keep peace and make trade deals with the tribes. Love conquers all, doesn’t it? Because of this, I have Native American ancestry all the way down to my maternal Great-Grandmother.

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Only San Francisco’s exercise guru Jack LaLane defied the odds…

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As much as I’m concerned about the future for my country and humanity in general, I’m thankful for my life, my family and my freedoms. These are priceless gifts that are not granted by man, but by God.

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Just got my fix of him again by watching “The Woman in Gold”. Beautiful film.
I will try my hand at creating an oil and gold-leaf painting, perhaps an Art-Deco style self-portrait. I need to work on portraiture technique.

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