Currently, humans are teaching AI to surpass human intelligence. I’m not certain this is the way to evolving humanity, but rather making humans a sub-par species required to be overly-dependent, ignorant and obedient to the control of machines. The technology should be used to merge, train and awaken the latent deeper senses that humans have as a rule, lost through several thousand years of hive-mind conditioning so they could be easily controlled by a minority. These senses have been stigmatized out of human practice with various labels of witchcraft, yet many spiritual prophets in belief systems around the world have been attributed to having these type of miraculous senses. There are parts of the brain that are the “seat” of these lost senses that have been deeply studied in little known research and the whole data sets gained from these studies are not often released to the scientific community or the public. Geez, I wonder why?

One clue to solve the mystery of this lies within the blood itself, as it is a form of “light” energy and plasma-based data/signal transfer.

Some of the more important lost senses are what is believed that alien species use to move unaffected and efficiently beyond radiation belts and light years beyond their home, without much technology. The greatest technology ever developed exists within the connection and balance between the physical mind and the spiritual consciousness. Perhaps in the future we will be assimilating with other intelligent alien lifeforms who have evolved far beyond our current existence presently.

About Lea Savoy

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